Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting Picked On

I had a run-in with a bird on Thursday morning. It was intense and kinda spooky. Birds already sorta mildly creep me out, and this didn't help.

I parked my car on Main Street to head into a website meeting with one of my favorite clients, Norm Armstrong Roofing. I was standing outside my car gathering my laptop, etc, when I felt a little ping on the top of my head. I looked up and saw a blackbird landing on a branch in the tree above me.

Did that bird just peck at my noggin? Hm. Weird.

I started walking across the street, and halfway across got pinged/pecked again.

OK, now this is frickin' scary. Peace out.

I put my laptop over my head and scurried across the street and into the building. It was not one of my more impressive moments. I hope no one I know saw me running across Main Street with a computer on my head.

Why, bird? Why? Did my parking under your tree in front of McCoffee's make you feel threatened? Did you think the top of my head was a nest? Was there a worm in my hair that I hadn't noticed?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Grammatical Pet Peeves

Relative to most, I consider myself highly tolerant of the annoying things and people. But there are some verbal/grammar things that just plain kill me. The following utterances often cause me to throw up in my mouth a little bit.

1. Expecially. The word is "especially", people. Essssspecially. Get over the freaking 'x', and use the 's'. Learn it. Know it. Live it. Use it. And spare me my sanity.

2. Expresso. See above about the 'x'. Seriously. It's "espresso". If you say "expresso" you are not quite as terrible as you could be if you say "expecially", but you are still pretty lame.

3. Fustrated. What are you, six? The word is "frustrated". Grow up! Accept it. You know who's fustrated? Me! When you forget the stinkin' 'r'! Yeesh. You're pissing me off just making me think about it. Why you gotta piss me off like this?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Prodigy of Prodigies

I have a new second favorite guitar player (#1 will always be Sean Lehe). His name is Sungha Jung. He's 11. A-freaking-leven!

Here's his version of "All Along the Watchtower."

Here's his main YouTube page for many, many more great acoustic interpretations of classic songs (Beatles, U2, Sting, Bon Jovi ...). Looking forward to watching his life/career unfold.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Food Fight

This is awe to the some. It's World War II through the current war, as played out by the foods of the various nations involved. Thanks to Erin, from whom I stole the idea of putting this on my blog. As she said, if you like, history, food or stop-motion animation (whatever the frack that is), you will love this.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

26.2 on the Edge of the Western World

I ran the 23rd annual Big Sur Marathon last Sunday, April 27. Here's proof.

I had a great experience - the course was as difficult and beautiful as any you can imagine. I set a goal to beat my amazingly humble PR of 6:08:59, and I did so by 32 minutes (5:36:17 - still on the "very slow" side but a big step for me). The best part of the story is that I was in a group of about 60 people that ran the course alongside running legend Jeff Galloway, which was once-in-a-lifetime coolness.

The best part of course was sprinting to the finish, seeing my parents and friends there cheering like crazy and getting that medal. The second best part was the turkey sandwich and beer I enjoyed afterward. And the potato chips after that. And the burger, fries and shake I had that night. And the beer I had after that. And the pizza I had the next day. And the ice cream after that. And then more chips.

If you want to see lots of different shots of, well, me running and walking, here they are. Not super exciting, but there are a couple that show the feel of the event. If I had known there would be so many I would have tried to look sexier. When you go there, click on a thumbnail, then on the next page click it again to see the bigger version of the proof. I wish I had more shots of the scenery and other runners, but alas - I didn't bring my camera on the run. Couldn't fit it in my fuel belt. Too many gummy bears in there.

Oh yeah. The photos.
