Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting Picked On

I had a run-in with a bird on Thursday morning. It was intense and kinda spooky. Birds already sorta mildly creep me out, and this didn't help.

I parked my car on Main Street to head into a website meeting with one of my favorite clients, Norm Armstrong Roofing. I was standing outside my car gathering my laptop, etc, when I felt a little ping on the top of my head. I looked up and saw a blackbird landing on a branch in the tree above me.

Did that bird just peck at my noggin? Hm. Weird.

I started walking across the street, and halfway across got pinged/pecked again.

OK, now this is frickin' scary. Peace out.

I put my laptop over my head and scurried across the street and into the building. It was not one of my more impressive moments. I hope no one I know saw me running across Main Street with a computer on my head.

Why, bird? Why? Did my parking under your tree in front of McCoffee's make you feel threatened? Did you think the top of my head was a nest? Was there a worm in my hair that I hadn't noticed?